
Emotional Fuckwits

Resolution #1: will obviously lose 20 lbs. #2: always put last night's panties in the laundry basket. Equally important: will find nice sensible boyfriend and stop forming romantic attachments to any of the following: alcoholics, workoholics, sexaholics, commitment-phobics, peeping toms, megalomaniacs, emotional fuckwits, or perverts.

Will especially stop fantasizing about a particular person who embodies all these things.

(O Diário de Bridget Jones)

Terra das Sombras

Joy Gresham: We can't have the happiness of yesterday without the pain of today. That's the deal.

C.S.Lewis: Why love, if losing hurts so much? I have no answers anymore: only the life I have lived. Twice in that life I've been given the choice: as a boy and as a man. The boy chose safety, the man chooses suffering. The pain now is part of the happiness then. That's the deal. "


Adorável Mundo Novo

Dinner At Eight (1933)
Dir: George Cukor
Kitty (Jean Harlow) para Carlota (Marie Dressler):

Kitty: I was reading a book the other day.
Carlotta: Reading a book!
Kitty: Yes. It`s all about civilization or something, a nutty kind of a book. Do you know that the guy said that machinery is going to take the place of every profession?
Carlotta: Oh, my dear, that`s something you need never worry about.

Nota: o livro em questão era provavelmente "Brave New World" de Aldous Huxley.


Sheltering Sky

Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well, yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number, really.

How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that's so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four or five times more, perhaps not even that.

How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty.

And yet it all seems limitless.

Paul Bowles



Alma: Is it really important not to lie, to speak so that everything rings true? Can one live without lying and quibbling and making excuses? Isn't it better to be lazy and lax and deceitful? Perhaps you even improve by staying as you are. My words mean nothing to you. People like you can't be reached. I wonder whether your madness isn't the worst kind. You act healthy, act it so well that everyone believes you--everyone except me, because I know how rotten you are.

Alma para Elizabeth Vogler (Bibi Andersson e Liv Ullman em Persona, 1966)



Celine: Memories is a good thing if you don`t have to deal with the past.

(Antes do Amanhecer)


Love Letter

My darling.

I'm waiting for you. How long is a day in the dark? Or a week? The fire is gone now and I'm horribly cold. I ought to drag myself outside, but there'd be the sun. I'm afraid I waste the light on writing these words. We die. We die rich with lovers and tribes. Tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers. Fears we've hidden in, like this wretched cave. I want all this marked on my body. We're the real countries. Not the boundaries drawn on maps, the names of powerful men. I know you'll carry me out into the palace of winds. That's all I've wanted. To walk in such a place with you, with friends. An earth without maps.

The lamp's gone out and I'm writing in the darkness.


(em O Paciente Inglês)



Harry: "...and it`s not because I`m lonely, and it`s not because it`s New Year`s Eve. It`s because when you wanna spend the rest of your life with someone, you wanna start the rest of your life as soon as possible."

(When Harry Met Sally)


Frankly, my dear...

- Rhett, Rhett... Rhett, if you go, where shall I go? What shall I do?
- Frankly, my dear, I don`t give a damn.


Vamos à praia, sim senhor.

será que posso levar meu cachorro para a praia em paz sem que ninguém encha o meu saco?


Andy Warhol

They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.


Assim é e Assim Seja

Se eu pudesse trincar a terra toda
E sentir-lhe um paladar,
Seria mais feliz um momento ...
Mas eu nem sempre quero ser feliz.
É preciso ser de vez em quando infeliz
Para se poder ser natural...

Nem tudo é dias de sol,
E a chuva, quando falta muito, pede-se.
Por isso tomo a infelicidade com a felicidade
Naturalmente, como quem não estranha
Que haja montanhas e planícies
E que haja rochedos e erva ...

O que é preciso é ser-se natural e calmo
Na felicidade ou na infelicidade,
Sentir como quem olha,
Pensar como quem anda,
E quando se vai morrer, lembrar-se de que o dia morre,
E que o poente é belo e é bela a noite que fica...
Assim é e assim seja ..

(Poema XXI do Guardador de Rebanhos - Alberto Caieiro)


Será que é só imaginação?

Hoje vou saber se o caminho em que sigo é o meu.